Are you curious about your property value? That's where we come in...
Unlike other online general evaluations, at, we offer a unique, private, and far more accurate, specialized, realtor generated, property evaluation system, and it’s FREE! Delivered to you within 72hrs, without any realtor visiting you!
What could you do with $1,000.00*? If ever, you invite us for a detailed in-person property evaluation report, we promise to you give a FREE Gift Card* as a thank you gift for inviting us.
Also, just in case, if you decide to list with us on the mls system, we offer: experienced quality service, result producing, powerful, customized programs and rates, such as: “Paint Your Property For FREE”* or “Your Property SOLD within 30 Days OR We Will Give You Thousands Of Dollars!”. Call for details today!
Our approach is easy, stress-free, and will give you peace of mind. Our expert advice and world class service strives for win-win situations
How Does It Work?
Our system allows you to check your property value, privately. Just fill out a form on our site to tell us more about your property and we then prepare a specialized realtor-generated report and send to you via email within 72hrs! No realtor will visit you, unless you want them to & it’s a FREE Service!
Don’t forget to refer this free service to your family and friends so they too can benefit with this guaranteed free, private and confidential property evaluation service!
Just Imagine! No fuss, no need to prepare the house to invite a realtor and no need to book any appointments and lose time! Feel free to request a more detailed in-person evaluation and receive a FREE Gift Card!* - What Could You Do With $1,000.00? With us, you are always in control and you decide every step, including customization of plan and rates, guaranteed!
Don’t forget, this plan is also great for Private Sellers, and Anonymous Sellers!
How Do We Help?
Once you submit your request to receive a FREE specialized realtor generated property evaluation, we then prepare it within 72hrs and send to you via email, no realtor will visit you!
What could you do with $1,000.00? If ever, you decide to invite us for a more detailed in-person evaluation, not only we will give you a FREE Gift Card* but also we check to see if: (a) you qualify and agree with our terms and conditions to receive our other services that can benefit you immensely - such as or services that allow you to sell your property without anyone seeing or visiting you* OR also let's you paint your property for FREE!* and (b) we can match your criteria with any available and willing qualified buyers to see if we can immediately connect you to the buyers & help you OR if you want to list on the mls system – we help you with that process and give you a guarantee that if we don’t sell your property within 21 days, we will pay you thousands of dollars!* It’s so exciting and simple!
Come Check Your Property Value With Us For FREE!* - Let’s Get Started!
We are so excited to share our service with you and we know you can’t afford not to find out how this amazing system works! So, what are you waiting for! Let’s get started by clicking on the button below!
Click on the link below and just follow the 2 simple steps to get started!
Want More Reasons Why You Should Be Our Client? Click Here For Added Bonuses!
Who Are We? Find Out, Click Here! We Share Our Almost 20 Years Of Experience With You!
Helping clients buy, renovate, and sell for almost 20 years!
* Exclusively Offered by or Asim Khan ONLY! All property selling and buying programs have some conditions/fees /restrictions that may apply. Doesn’t apply to all listings/clients/geographic locations/ &/or property sizes/types /styles. One plan per client. Combining plans are at our discretion and only on a case by case basis but in general our services and plans are stand-alone and cannot be combined. We reserve the right to change our services and plans and any information advertised on our website or within our services or plans can change at anytime, without prior notice to anyone. Further, there are no guarantees but we do our best to ensure that we limit risks and try to be very conservative; however, if there is any loss using our services and plans, we are not responsible or liable. Re/Max associates and/or Re/Max Ultimate isn’t liable/responsible for these advertised programs. This advertisement is not intended to solicit buyers and sellers currently under contract with another brokerage or realtor. Promotional Limited Time Offer! Statistical Info from Jan 2015 to Mar 14, 2017. Any content or plans on this website can change at anytime without any prior notice. Call Asim Khan Directly At 416-419-8716 To Learn More Details!